Conference Speaker and Professional MC

Facilitated conference experiences for organisers who want more than the average conference. Keynotes, masterclasses, panel interviews, audience engagement and MC services.

Keep people laughing and learning at your next event with practical and engaging interaction, facilitated by Alicia McKay. Alicia brings fun, authenticity and clarity to the stage, and keeps things free of corporate jargon.


Featured Keynote

Watch excerpts from Alicia's popular keynote: 'Perspective.' Filmed at Claudelands Event Centre in Hamilton on 29 May 2024 at the WasteMINZ Conference.

Paddock to peak (12:00)

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Strategy tip: divorce


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Play a longer game


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Story headline


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Patterns not problems


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Definition of a strategist


Speaker, MC - or both

Alicia McKay is a versatile and engaging event facilitator. She contributes to events as a host, speaker, panelist, facilitator and teacher. Enquire to learn more about how Alicia can support your event.


Keynote Speaker

Alicia speaks at events of all shapes and sizes on strategy, change, leadership and entrepreneurship. She also runs masterclasses, workshops and interview panels for conferences.


Event MC

Alicia is a professional MC, regularly combining MC services with headline speaker roles. In this video, Alicia facilitates the three-day 2022 ALGA National Conference for over 1,000 Mayors and CEOs.



Alicia McKay speaks on small screens and big stages, in-house, online and in the media. Watch clips here.

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Alicia joined L'Oreal Learning Week over two days, for a conference keynote and two half-day workshops on building trust and leading change conversations. 

Warning: contains raving fans.

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Alicia fired up an online conference during lockdown talking change, priorities and staying sane when the world goes mad around you.

Warning: contains swear words.

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TV and Media

Alicia appears as a guest and expert panelist on NZ and Australian TV shows like The AM Show and Sky News. In this snippet from Sky News Australia, Alicia spoke on flexible leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Alicia has appeared on dozens of podcasts as a guest and expert. Check out this snippet from the ThriveTV podcast with Lauren Parsons talking about boundaries, guilt, and resentment.



Alicia runs masterclasses and workshops for conferences and events. Check out this 3 minute snippet of an oversubscribed Strategic Public Leadership masterclass where attendees were stacked up at the back of the room and packed the hallway!

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Alicia runs public and in-house webinars and online keynotes for teams, leaders and organisations of all sizes. Spice up your next Leaders Forum or planning day. Check out this viral snippet from one of Alicia's strategy webinars.

What event organisers say about Alicia

"Alicia knows the local government sector so well. Her style is relatable and in tune with the audience, her communication is clear and she is a delight to work with. Her ability to discuss concepts and theory within a story, to give the audience the tools to embed new practices into their daily schedules, and to operationalise theory is amazing. Alicia can speak to anyone in the audience, and empower them in their role, whether they are CEOs or coordinators. I would recommend Alicia for all masterclasses and conferences."
Michelle Cox
Manager Events, LGPro VIC
"Alicia is herself - she is vulnerable, up-front and tells it like it is. She is also very good at engaging with the audience. Alicia doesn't read off notes. She gave us learnings and tools we could take away and use. It was inspirational, funny, and vulnerable. I would recommend Alicia for events where you want to challenge your delegates' thinking, inspire them, and make them think differently."
Nic Quilty
"I enjoyed Alicia's down to earth, no-nonsense approach. It was a great contrast to our government attendees! Thanks to Alicia's contribution, our event was set up with a fantastic undertone that continued on across the following two days. Alicia, and her content, was often referred to in presentations by other speakers and events afterwards. She's a great communicator who sets the tone of the event, and responds to the vibe of the audience really well. I would recommend Alicia for events where you want to have fun and 'cut through the crap'."
Dan Ferguson
Executive Officer, Parks and Leisure Australia VIC/TAS Region
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"Alicia absolutely nailed the guest speaker talk at our RISE UP event celebrating female entrepreneurship! She was entertaining, inspiring, engaging and her down-to-earth manner made her easy to relate to and connect with. Our audience members were totally enraptured and we’ve never received so much positive feedback about a guest speaker before."
Erin Wansbrough
holly morchat
"Alicia brings strategic insight to her MC duties. She weaved a great narrative between speakers and bridged the sessions in a way that landed well with our audience of business leaders and owners. With 1000 things in my head at any given time organising a conference, her straight-shooting communication style is appreciated. The feedback from our attendees has been great!"
Holly Morchat
General Manager, ACE NZ
"Alicia has delivered keynotes for our summits, on the virtual stage and in person. In either setting, Alicia exceeds expectations. She is a dream to work with, the feedback from delegates is outstanding, and you can't wait to put her takeaways into practice. What's not to love!"
Cass Brownlow-Davies
Corporate Partnerships Manager, ThinkTank Media
"I really enjoyed Alicia's ability to read the room and adapt quickly. Thanks to Alicia's contribution our awards ceremony was conducted efficiently. She was not afraid to deviate from the script when warranted, which is great! I highly recommend Alicia for emcee and facilitation roles."
Diana Pawluk
Manager Events, LGPro VIC
colin ellis
I've never heard a speaker that cuts through the complexity of strategy quite like Alicia. Her speeches are powerful and strike at the very heart of what's required to create meaningful direction that can give rise to the cultures required to get things done. She is honest, forthright and uses case studies to land her points. Highly recommended!"
Colin D. Ellis
Author and Speaker
"Wow…. What a way to kickoff our event! Alicia’s energy and enthusiasm are infectious. The presentation was a blend of insights, entertainment, and cutting through jargon and theory to get to the heart of what people need to know. We had to deliver the whole thing via Zoom but we didn’t have to worry about maintaining engagement because Alicia got the participants involved throughout."
Jacob Toner
Auckland District Health Board
"Alicia was funny, engaging, got the audience (and myself thinking) and was not boring for a moment! Having Alicia as the MC with her engaging and personable style was great. Alicia injects fun (while taking the job seriously), and I would thoroughly recommend her for events where you need some "lightness" in the program. Alicia was also a pleasure to work with both online and in person."
Steph Phillips
Local Government Professionals Inc
"Alicia is direct and to the point, which gives a fabulous insight and amazing clarity with her contribution to our conference. I'm really looking forward to our next collaboration!"
Alison Buck
Conference Project Manager, CAANZ
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"Alicia has a real talent for simplifying strategy in a way that is both thought provoking and incredibly impactful. We walked away from our short session with a collective understanding of the gaps and opportunities we have, which has given us a renewed energy and focus to really nail our strategy. As a speaker Alicia was engaging and relatable – her wealth of experience is obvious, but at the same time she makes it seem so achievable which I think is a pretty powerful combination."
Rebecca David
Sustainable Dairying Change Manager, Fonterra
"A huge thank you for your outstanding presentation to my team this afternoon. I’ve had so much great feedback on your session, and some of your phrases have already entered our lexicon. I am very grateful to you for bringing your wisdom, experience, and enthusiasm for the local government sector to our meeting today. Thanks again."
David Mackay
Deputy Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Authentic Inspiration

Alicia McKay is not your standard motivational speaker. As a special guest at the 2022 SODA RISE UP! event, Alicia McKay tells her life story as a stirring call to action for all women in business. Don't be fooled by the laughs; Alicia means business.


Speaking Enquiry